
Pulseoximetryisanoninvasivemethodformonitoringbloodoxygensaturation.Peripheraloxygensaturation(SpO2)readingsaretypicallywithin2%accuracy.Medicaluses·Limitations·Conditionsaffectingaccuracy·Mechanism,Formostpeople,anormalpulseoximeterreadingforyouroxygensaturationlevelisbetween95%and100%.IfyouhavealungdiseasesuchasCOPDorpneumonia, ...,Themonitorprovidesreal-timeinformationaboutheartrateandoxyge...

Pulse oximetry

Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method for monitoring blood oxygen saturation. Peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO 2 ) readings are typically within 2% accuracy. Medical uses · Limitations · Conditions affecting accuracy · Mechanism

Blood Oxygen Level

For most people, a normal pulse oximeter reading for your oxygen saturation level is between 95% and 100%. If you have a lung disease such as COPD or pneumonia, ...

Wellue O2 Pulse Oximeter with Smart Reminder

The monitor provides real-time information about heart rate and oxygen saturation. It also tracks sleep habits and allows for setting alarms. While most ...

Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor (SpO2 ...

Accurately determine your SPO2 (blood oxygen saturation levels), pulse rate in 10 seconds and display it conveniently on a large LED display. Finger chamber ...

[PDF] Using a pulse oximeter to check you are OK

The blood oxygen number on the pulse oximeter stays at 92% or less. Tell the person you speak to what the pulse oximeter says your blood oxygen number is ...

Pulse Ox

A pulse oximeter measures how much oxygen (compared to maximum capacity) is in your bloodstream as it travels around your body.

Pulse Oximetry: Uses, Readings, and How It Works

Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive test that measures the oxygen saturation level of your blood. It can rapidly detect even small changes in oxygen levels.

Pulse Oximetry

The pulse oximeter, or Pulse Ox, is an electronic device that measures the saturation of oxygen carried in your red blood cells.

醫學工程部- 掌上型血氧飽和濃度器

掌上型血氧飽和濃度器 ... 簡介脈衝式血氧濃度器(Pulse Oximeter)是用來量測人體血液中氧濃度含量,也就是用來量測人體血液中血紅素(Hemoglobin)帶氧能力的一種醫療儀器。

Pulse Oximeter

It measures how fast your heart is beating as well as checking how well you are breathing, it does this by checking how much oxygen is in your blood.